There once was a guy that had a problem with high blood pressure. That's not funny, because that is a very serious problem. What is funny is the side-effects of the medication that was given to him. The medication helped him with his problem but, it also had a side-effect. Hair. Lots of hair. First it started with his eyebrows. Eyebrows are a understatement. They were mean mustaches above the eyes. They even started to connect. It did not stop there. The hair started to spread. Spread everywhere. It also started to grow in places that hair did not grow before. What was going to be next? Was he going to turn into that wolf from that 1985 movie starring Michael J. Fox? Was he going to start howling at the moon? Was he going to become the missing link? The Yeti. Bigfoot. There are too many questions. But, the question is not "what?". It's how was he going to tame that hair. Hearing that story gave birth to: